A downloadable game for Windows

Saweba 2 is a 2d shooter that takes inspiration from the arcade game Berzerk (Tbh it kinda dosnt look like it though) while also adding in creative liberties from other shooters and games. The "Exordium" is meant to be a demo of the game, featuring only one stage and one playable character.


Below are the controls since the Demo dosnt really have a proper in-game tutorial at the moment. (I mean I technically consider the first stage to be the tutorial)

Up arrow
Moves the player up
Down arrow
Moves the player down...
Left arrow
Moves the player left...
Right arrow
Moves the player Right :|
Attack key, shoots out a bullet, combining with arrow keys will make it shoot in 8 directions.
Aim-lock, makes the player stay in place.
Pauses the game...
Pretty much the "Start" button......


The Story (I guess??)

Um.... Redacted for now... lel


  • Plain - Programmer, artist, composer
  • Gogomonow - big man
  • ddsnag - Play tester
  • Cheetah - Play tester, helped with the weapon cooldown (tyvm bru)

Mini qna

Q: Why is it called Saweba???

A: Its an Arabic word that meant difficult or something like that??? I forgor (And I think my young goofy self used Google Translate so prob very inaccurate)

Q: Wheres Saweba 1???

A: So ummmm............ That may or may not be lost media...... Uhhhhhh praying I still have at least the assets

Q: I found a bug!!! Uhhhhh what do I do???

A: Ig comment it or post it in our Discord server here

Q: How do I support the game!!!

A: Well if you actually are interested in this game then thank you very much :heart:, as of now you can join the Discord server

Q: Yo I got this cool suggestion!!! What can I do????

A: Just like the bugs thing, post it in the comments or Discord server

Q: Whats an exordium??

A: "the beginning of anything." - Dictionary.com.... It can also mean "the introductory part of an-"

That's about it really, if you care enough to give this game a try then thank you very much!!! You are truly really cool :thumbsup:


Saweba 2 Exordium - Halloween Special (v1.2.4) 51 MB
Saweba 2 Exordium (v1.2.3) 47 MB

Development log

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